Monday, January 22, 2007

Week 2 Personal Blog Post

Cultures around the world tend to share many common traits. Most cultures value family, health, and some sort of religion. Of course, to some, certain things are more important than others. I find the way the American culture has evolved to be very interesting. American's seem to put a huge emphasis on money and power.
Over the summer i traveled to the eastern hemisphere. One of the few things that reminded me of America was the war. Other than that i couldn't help but notice the attitude the people of the various cultures i visited possessed. No matter what the family was the most important aspects of their lives. The only people you would find working every day were the people struggling to move their family to safer living conditions, or in some cases, America. Businesses close over weekends for people to spend time with their families and go to church. Unlike the dont talk to strangers policy in America, the natives were always quite friendly with me, even when they could tell i was an American.
Families wish to migrate to America. They know the U.S. as the land of oppurtunity. It is incredibley difficult to get a Visa to travel to the United States. What these foreigners do not know is the discrimination and difficult path they must endure just to get by in this western land. They don't realize how hard life can be for Americans. How easily they forget what really is important in life when money blinds their values. But is it that Americans are vein or that we are smart and making for a better future for their family and for the country?


Anonymous said...

Interesting insights into multi-cultural trends as constants. Yes family vaules are the same every where. I think the American, "Dont talk to strangers" comes along with all the sicko crimes that happen here. Because the US has such high contrast between the rich and poor is cause for greater crime, I think.

jdan007 said...

You made some good points about American culture and how it is perceived by foreignors or even misconstrued by them. Why do you think that American culture has developed the way that it has and why do a lot of people carry a false image about the reality in America?
You could have also included the role that education plays in the endoctrination process of a societies values.